The stingray card represents a pivotal point in personal growth. The moment has come when the stingray must decide between the old (easy, comfortable, and familiar) and the new (challenging, uncomfortable, and unfamiliar). Pressure from family and friends makes the decision even more complicated. No matter what choice is made now, it's inevitable that this dilemma will surface again and again, as the force of dharma growing within the stingray is too strong to ignore.
WHEN IN BALANCE: eager, wants to grow
WHEN OUT OF BALANCE: blames others, quits
TO BRING INTO BALANCE: move through the discomfort
Hi friends :) Welcome to week 7 of our yoga series based on the symbolism of the animal kingdom. Each creature represents a different aspect of our human journey, helping us to better understand and connect to our inner and outer worlds. Every 5 weeks, we cycle through each of the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and their respective animals in this card deck.
Last week, the earthworm of the earth element taught us the importance of humility and patience in our beginnings. The earthworm nurtures the soil of our lives so that we have fertile ground from which to grow. This week, the water element returns, which relates to our emotions, feelings, creativity, and inspiration. The stingray asks of us confidence. There is some obvious or subtle aspect of our lives that demands change... something new is calling you. However, fear of the opinions of others or fear of the unknown can make the decision difficult. Have faith to follow through with your dharma... your purpose.
The human default is to seek pleasure and avoid pain. We often don't take the risk of change due to the unknown outcome... or the discomfort of the change itself. The stingray card points us to recognize a deep deep calling that you've been trying to ignore because it demands a seemingly big change. This card is all about the power in simply making the decision to accept that calling... saying "yes".
We try to push that decision away because it requires us to let go of what we know... it may require us to build confidence and faith against the negative opinions of our family, friends, and others around us... it may feel like our circumstances are up against us... and that our own doubts poison our beliefs of what we are capable of and what is meant for us.
The stingray warns us that if we continue to ignore this calling, it will continue to surface again and again and again until we finally listen. There's no use ignoring what's meant for you. You'll have to make that leap of faith at one point or another, otherwise you may find yourself living in regret and mediocrity. No great thing was ever done by playing it safe.
Can we trust ourselves... trust our dharma; our purpose... trust the mystery of life enough to make that difficult but powerful decision? To gracefully disregard all the voices of fear and doubt, and trust that if this path is meant for you, you will be taken care of - there is nothing to fear. Make the leap of faith - say yes.
Next week, the hyena explores how we may use sarcasm or humor as a way of hiding.
dream extreme!
♡ Kat
excerpts from my journal:
"This card has been especially relevant to my life currently. A big decision suddenly sprung on me... and it didn't make sense... where I am felt safe, predictable, and comfortable... something I rarely feel. But that pull, that "force of the dharma" within me grew so loud I couldn't ignore it - I had to make that leap of faith. I decided to end my current lease, to travel Peru for the month of May, and to find a new home once I returned. And as soon as I finally made that decision, which I tried to fight at first, I felt such a rush of freedom and alignment. Since that choice, I've been given confirmations that I'm on the right path - and although it's scary and unknown, I have full confidence that I made the right choice."