~ talented, shadowy, in hiding ~
Raccoon energy is at play within all artists, to greater or lesser degrees. At best, it indicates talent, tenacity, and skillfulness with a particular musical instrument or creative tool. Its shadow side points to an unresolved issue around self-image and success. Sometimes using a stage name or wearing a "mask" works in an artist's favor. Other times, it limits creativity. Am I who my audience thinks I am? what if I am ready to grow into something more? Raccoon energy won't let us off the hook until this creative ego fear is resolved.
when in balance ~ generous friend, exceptional artist
when out of balance ~ competitive, starving artist
to bring into balance ~ make new work
Hi friends! :) Welcome to week 21 of our yoga series - exploring this life through the symbolism of the animal kingdom. Each creature represents a different aspect of our human journey, helping us to better understand and connect to our inner and outer worlds. Every 5 weeks in our yoga classes, we cycle through each of the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and their respective animals in this card deck.
Last week, the golden egg of the space element beckoned us into stillness and silence so that we could become sensitive enough to listen to and receive the deep message that our hearts have been holding for us.
This week, we begin our fifth cycle of the elements with the raccoon. This card is associated with the earth element, which represents our relationships with fears and habits. The raccoon digs into your role as an artist - your "art" being anything you create in your life... and you've found yourself hitting a wall (big or small) in one or many of these areas. What's up with this blockage? Let's explore the creative shadow.
I've heard many statements along the lines of, "creation is the highest form of intelligence" or "the highest form of human expression is to create."
Now, when many people hear the word "creation" they think of these archetypal artistic roles such as a painter, a musician, a writer... but being a creator expands to so much more... your roles in your job, your relationships, your hobbies. There are SO many creative roles we are involved in that aren't associated with the ~fine arts~... And really, every moment of our day is creation... each and every choice and action we make is creation... each thought, each feeling, each breath. How we show up every day is one more page in the creation of this story of our lives.
And all around us, the earth is still in its process of creation - continuously growing and evolving and shedding... continuously morphing into something new. There is no escaping creation. You are an artist, whether you give yourself the label or not.
You are the artist of brushing your teeth upon waking... of however you brew your morning coffee.. of dressing and decorating your body with clothing and jewelry and hair-dos. You are the artist of the most decadent açaí superfood power bowl ever or your simple bowl of cornflakes. You are the artist of your 10 mile run and your gentle stretches on the rug. Of the music you chose to play in your car on your commute to work, or that floats throughout your home. You are the artist of the objects that you've placed inside that home. The objects you've placed inside your mind. You are the artist of your thoughts. Your beliefs. Your passions. Your dreams. You create it all.
There's a quote that says, "how you do anything is how you do everything."
I, for example, have perhaps a more commonly associated role as an artist - I paint. But I also create yoga classes, I create these posts, I create music and sound, I love to write, I love poetry - I love creating. But sometimes I notice that those highlighted creative pursuits feel kindof blocked... kindof lacking or dull or stale. "hitting a creative wall" "writer's block" ya know. And I believe that when that happens, life is asking me to take a look at the other areas of my life... what other artistic roles am I neglecting? Am I neglecting my artistic roles relating my physical appearance? My finances? My food? My home? When I make a cup of tea am I treating it as an art or am I just dumping hot water on top of a sack of dry leaves... How you so anything is how you do everything. So if I'm not treating my conversations, my meals, my chores, my schedule, all of those "mundane" things as art... my more obvious creative endeavors will suffer.
The raccoon cards applauds our talents! But lets us know that there's is also "an unresolved issue around self-image and success" . This could mean many things... and that will be unique to you. But some things to explore may be:
I'm feeling down on myself because I am not creating up to a standard (my own or someone else's)... I don't feel good enough or talented enough.
I place my worth on the "success" of my creation or art.
I don't want to fully OWN my art... I make it... but I also hide who I am in relation to it... I am ashamed to be an "artist".
I don't even know why I'm doing this... why am I even creating things? Why do I even bother? This is too different... too dumb... a waste of time.
All of these statements are things that I and others I know struggle with. But notice how they all tie into a core fear of unworthiness.
I am not talented enough.
I am not successful enough.
I am not confident enough.
I am not trusting enough.
Humans create because that is what we do - it is our highest form of expression. It is expression itself. It is our purpose to create - it is our joy. And even when we feel like we "aren't creating" or are "creating incorrectly"... it's all part of the process... the evolution. If you find yourself struggling with any of these (hitting these walls)... as I have... maybe say, "well hey, I'm gonna die anyways, why NOT create whatever I want?" Why not create a life that is uniquely mine. My own unique story. And TRUST that if you are creating something (not out of force or lack or obligation) if it is a calling from the heart... it is your dharma, your purpose to create this thing. Trust it. Not for the results, not for the praise, the fame, the money. Create because that process of creation makes us feel the most alive and connected to ourselves and life around us. To be fully in creation, a conscious and active participant in creation, is to accept and embrace our roles as an integral part of the evolution of existence.
As we begin to treat each lil part of our day as our own artwork, our own creation, things might become a little more magical. We may begin to place less pressure on the selective areas we MUST CREATE IN. Everything is art my dudes. And when the art of cleaning a dish is just as exciting and rewarding as writing an award winning rock opera... you've made it.
Untangle the shadow side of the artist by OWNING your life - your art. In the same way that you can stand proudly in front of your painting and say "YES - this is me." Stand in front of your life and say "YES - this is me" This is my unique expression - this is my contribution - this is me doing my role perfectly. And it's perfect not because of any ideal or comparison or level of achievement. It is perfect because it is uniquely my own - a real and authentic expression.
Keep on creating friends :)
Next week, the octopus of the water element celebrates our involvement and connections, but warns us that sometimes we may get too entangled or immeshed with certain relationships or endeavors, leading to oversharing, clinginess, and weak boundaries.
til next time ✌︎
dream extreme!
♡ kat