~ reaching, yearning, lacking boundaries and direction ~
The Octopus signifies a wonderfully perceptive mind, paired with a lack of healthy boundaries. Unfortunately this results in well-intended but messy relationships. The Octopus entwines itself into other people's business, and shares their own without restraint. They believe that's what it means to be "close." If you notice after spending time with someone that you feel drained or uneasy, the essence of Octopus is at play. Begin to establish healthy boundaries. Be patient and firm, it may be a very old habit to change.
when in balance ~ interested, engaged, intelligent
when out of balance ~ needy, clingy, lacks courage
to bring into balance ~ space to oneself, talk therapy
Hi friends! :) Welcome to week 22 of our yoga series - exploring this life through the symbolism of the animal kingdom. Each creature represents a different aspect of our human journey, helping us to better understand and connect to our inner and outer worlds. Every 5 weeks in our yoga classes, we cycle through each of the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and their respective animals in this card deck.
Last week, the raccoon of the earth element helped us deepen our relationship with ourselves as artists. We realized the ways we hide from our art... our lives... our stories... from our creation. Each of us is constantly creating... every action is a work of art.
This week, we return to the water element, which relates to our emotions, feelings, creativity, and inspiration. The octopus with her many arms, represents the part of ourselves that gets too involved... too tangled with other people... so intertwined, that our initial good intentions of connection become suffocating... either to you, the other person, or both of you.
Ram Dass once said, "If I go into the place in myself that is love, and you go into the place in yourself that is love, we are together in love. Then you and I are truly in love, the state of being love. That's the entrance to Oneness." But sometimes we seek that oneness by trying to enter into someone else's space instead of meeting their space from our own space... does that make sense?
It's like a Venn diagram. You know, the two circles that overlap in the middle. In a healthy relationship, you and the other person's relationship exists in that overlap. And sometimes there's ALOTTTT of overlap... like a family member or lover, and sometimes just a little bit, like the cashier at the grocery store.
The octopus signifies when we believe that we need to reach our tentacles into that other person's personal side of their circle... we try to get close to them by disregarding our own circle and just wanting to hang out in there's. And well... I'm sure you've experienced something like this before - there's not enough room for two!
Today's post offers a simple concept, but it's an important and powerful message to explore. A healthy relationship is one where you love and respect your own circle and you love and respect your fellow human's circle. And when you both are fully in your own circle - in your own self - in love... then you can fully meet that other person - in love - and only then do two become one in a way that is peaceful and kind... where you're not grasping or imposing... boundaries aren't being crossed. The same goes when another person has their tentacles in your space. It's okay - and it's actually beneficial for the both of you, if you set a boundary, reminding them that balance is vital.
And now, this takes time, and trial and error, as we grow and learn how to balance this sacred, beautiful art of relationships. But that's what we're doing by exploring our stories, right? Learning? Not to reach perfection, but to never stop looking for more love. Celebrate your desire to connect with others!!! I know this alone, can sometimes feel so difficult. The octopus is intelligent, empathetic, engaged, and always there to connect and lend a helping hand in this world. Cherish your relationships in their oneness, and in their separateness - both are true. So as we invite more consciousness into our relationships, there is a silent understanding that I am here and you are there, but we can come together, and then we're both here - one.
Next week, the panther launches us into a fierce purge - an annihilation of the unnecessary. She asks us to be brave and to trust her wild wisdom. For when she pounces, it can be scary and uncomfortable... but when the dust settles, we will thank her for her intervention.
dream extreme!
♡ kat