"The moth is sure the grass is greener on the other side, Moth energy is at play when we're attracted to easy solutions or anything "shiny and new." This can lead to unfinished projects, disappointment, or burnout. It's helpful to remind Moth personalities that life is complex. No matter the illusion, no one is exempt from the trials and tribulations of this great journey. Practice seeing life as an infinite mystery rather than wishing it was easier or different."
WHEN IN BALANCE: enthusiastic, whimsical
WHEN OUT OF BALANCE: idealizes others, jittery
TO BRING INTO BALANCE: finish a project
Last week, we explored the crocodile, who taught us how to pause, watch, and listen in order to receive the wisdom we need before acting. I was supposed to theme my yoga classes this week around a fire element animal, but I accidentally grabbed the wrong card (the moth), so we just went with it, and learned about this air element friend, and will circle back to the fire element next week. I trust this is what we needed to hear right now, haha.
Welcome to week #3! Each animal in this series represents a different aspect of our human journey, helping us to better understand and connect to our inner and outer worlds. Every 5 weeks, we cycle through each of the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and their respective animals in this card deck (all 62 of them!).
The moth is associated with the air element. This element embodies the qualities of lightness, clarity and movement. Ehkart yoga says, "for an element that can’t be seen, air certainly holds a vast array of sacred symbolism – such as communication, breath and life. When we consider how the air element interacts with our senses, we can experience this part of nature in a way that helps us become more present and sensitive to the world around us." Air is associated with the heart chakra, and prana... our life force. Prana, in Sanskrit, is another word for our breath, and translates as life force. When we are tapped into our air element, our life force, we are keenly aware and conscious, we are clear and energized, and able to have great impact and connection with life around us. However, the air element can be unstable... it takes skill to balance it. Here's what the book says about the creatures of the sky:
"The creatures of the Air element move quickly and decisively. They are known to "see" more than others, and this can lead to powerful and discerning qualities. Air creatures love movement and mobility, but the speed at which they move often leaves them ungrounded. Several Air cards indicate too much movement and not enough Earth. Some people describe this as living in the head rather than the body. It's difficult to make big decisions or remember our greater purpose when we lose our grounded-ness, so do whatever you must to reconnect to the physical realm. Slow walks in nature will help get your feet back on the ground."
We can all easily relate to the moth. Especially in today's modern and busy world, distractions are so easily accessible... a dopamine hit is just a tap away on our phone screen. Parties, drugs, alcohol, sex, food, games, movies, tv, gossip, social media, money, validation, beauty, drama, clothes, cars, houses, trips... these are just some of the "shiny things" that distract us. Now, that doesn't mean that these things are "wrong", but how much of your time and energy are you giving away to them? Are they actually making you happy? Or are they draining you of your "life force"? Again, there can be a judgement or feeling of guilt, by labeling these things as "bad" or "wrong"... they're not necessarily bad... they're a part of the human experience... but it is very easy to get addicted to these things because they give us instant gratification. They are easily accessible and don't take that much work to make us feel good. We just have to get close to them. Even conventionally "good" or "healthy" things can turn into distractions. The question is always, "is this right for me, right now?"
As we walk along our human path, there will be many many many bright and beautiful things that shine and call for our attention as we journey along. It takes discernment and wisdom to not get trapped by them. And hey, live... do what you need to do, but when you realize, "dang this experience, person, or habit isn't doing it for me anymore" you recognize it as now a distraction and it is time to move along or renovate your relationship with that thing. Don't ignore that signal... it will only get louder.
The story of the moth is adorable... we can see that it's not trying to do anything wrong. It sees the light and wants to move towards it - because it wants connection. We do the same thing - it's innocent. But we've all heard the saying "like a moth drawn to a flame"... that flame that was once so entrancing to the moth ends up burning him if he sticks around too long. That happens to us too. Scientists don't full understand why moths group around fire and artificial lights at night. It is theorized that months use the stars and moon as points of reference as they travel throughout the night... and the lights are, well, distracting. Do they think "wow we've really made it to the moon!"... probably not, but nonetheless, that light bulb just feels too good for the moth to carry on towards his true goal. We do that do. I'm pretty sure we all understand that no person, experience, substance, or possession will ever truly fulfill us. And that doesn't mean that we become an ascetic, but it means we have the clarity to discern enjoyment and celebration of life from addiction and distraction from where we truly know deep down where we should be going, and what we should be doing. There are certain things we participate in that help us grow and other things that keep us stagnant or even harm us.
The moth reminds us to place our focus firmly on what will truly fulfill our heart. Instead of throwing a little bit of our life force down many different roads, hone it in on the one path that is calling you. That's how you cultivate true power and fulfillment. Remember, it's not about whatever standard you or someone else says is "right"... every human life, and every moment is completely situational. What is right for you, right now? Listen to your heart... to your higher self, where is she guiding you? Let go of that which is holding you back. There are great things in store for those who lean into this trust.
Next week, we'll learn from the fire ant!
dream extreme!
♡ Kat
excerpts from my journal:
"Good morning! I am feeling so alive and grateful. Thank you. You really take care of me - and all you do is ask for me to place my trust in you... which is what my soul longs for anyways. I pray that you keep me devoted. That's what the moth is teaching us this week. There are so many shiny things all around me that I think will make me happy or healed or fulfilled, etc... but it's all fleeting or "just not quite it... not quite enough" and all of these shiny things disguise themselves quite cleverly, but at the end of the day, each new thing is still just another thing... it's all just more stuff. And stuff is great! amazing! wonderful! it's life! But it will never satisfy because everything that is born dies... If I infuse all the stuff (the shakti; the material world) with that which never dies (shiva; the soul)... I am in perfect peace and harmony and love. I am in flow with the dharma. I am in the passenger's seat and God's driving - I want it to be that way. And I'm watching all the scenery along the way. Perfectly safe... on the perfect road... on a perfect journey. Sometimes I think that I'm the one driving, and that's perfect too. I experience horrible things and I experience beautiful things... and it's all perfect, because I know without a doubt that this is exactly where I'm supposed to be."