it is my experience that the thread that passes through all life is love.
I don’t know why…
but I know it to be true
on some deep fundamental level
ive known this for some time
but could never express cognitively “why”
love is what fills the spaces
between form, movement, and mind
love is the yin. the darkness. the ambiguity.
love is the intangible.
love is consciousness itself.
yesterday, while writing “the gate” journal entry, I mentioned “the eyes of the heart”
it seems that as long as we see through the mind, there will always be separateness, uncertainty, and constant change. this is helpful, but we are living halfway if we limit our human experience to this one modality of seeing things.
but there seems to be a second way to see. through the heart. through pure feeling. direct experience. no barrier. you are the relationship, the connection, the bridge itself. this is the oneness. the neutrality. acceptance. this mode of seeing is what humanity needs to realize. the eyes of the heart are blind. and that is why we suffer.
later in the day, I gained great insight through this concept of “the eyes of the heart” for representing how we can directly experience our own consciousness.
I began to piece some parts together.
things seemed to fall into place; connections made,
resulting in my own deeper understanding of love, the self, reality, and consciousness.
these are all just my personal conclusions and interpretations but… I see truth here.
so, these two modes of seeing…
seeing through the mind – separateness
through the heart – unity.
a world of form
and a world of fluidity.
as I mentioned in yesterday’s post,
I experience seeing through the mind as having a three-part dynamic
self (me), relationship (e.g., connection, perception, bridge), and other (what I am experiencing; the object or energy).
so, in this mode of seeing there is actually a barrier between the observer (me) and the object I am observing.
this barrier is the relationship.
because our relationship to a certain event, person, or object, or to ourselves, always contains lenses.
these lenses are biases, perceptions, and self-impositions.
these lenses keep us from experiencing the truth of the thing we wish to observe.
they cloud our sight, so to speak.
though seeing with the mind, I am aware that there is a relationship. and perhaps what the contents or lenses of that relationship are, but these are all labels. I am not directly experiencing the relationship.
there is always “me” and “something other” than me.
something separate.
this is duality.
two parts.
whereas, when I experience through the heart, I am the relationship itself.
and the relationship comprises both the observer (me) and the observed (other).
through these eyes, the two are seen as one. non-duality.
spiritual teachings often preach this message of oneness.
how we are everyone and everything, etc.
but they seem to often fail to teach, or at least undersell, that there is also separateness.
so perhaps this leads many spiritual students to believe that separateness does not exist…
and disregard duality as a non-illusory reality
as I’ve come to realize through my studies, contemplations, and experiences -
everything is a paradox.
we are all one
but also, all individuals.
there can coexist, complete oneness
and complete separateness
I experience everything as being 2 in 1.
both duality and non-duality exist.
they are two sides of the same coin.
both are equally true
and equally real.
this view, i believe, is similar to the teachings of Achintya Bheda Abheda (which i have not read in much depth haha)
we are the sun and all of its individual rays.
I have long held the beliefs of advaita vedanta, or non-duality.
that although we live in a reality of perceptually separate forms and energy,
it is actually all one thing.
it’s all the same energy.
the energy just arranges itself in different ways to appear as separate things
this is only ½ of reality. or rather, one side of the coin.
even though I have held this truth
I cannot deny that in the everyday human experience
reality is indeed very dual
and we need this duality to function in human form
like, to not stick our hand in a fire
or to remember to feed our bodies
to recognize “right” and “wrong”
the human experience is one that operates according to the laws of karma
for each action, there is a consequence (con-sequence) (with sequence)
and these seem to follow certain patterns and laws... usually
such as, when you touch fire, you get burnt
if you don’t feed yourself, you’ll starve
if you drop an apple, it falls to the ground
if you lift weights, you’ll grow muscles.
this discernment is a necessary component of our experience.
without the mind, we’d have a very difficult time surviving very long as a human.
and though the mind is an incredibly helpful tool, many use it as the only mode of seeing. and many people get so ingrained with things always being one particular way – through their own lenses and relationships, which causes them to suffer. because their relationships with other things are not always pure. there’s a lot of gunk in their perceptions.
so… how do we shift from seeing with just the mind, to expand our awareness to also see with the heart? and what does that mean… to “see” with the heart.
how do we gain access to the other side of the coin?
in yogic philosophy, there exists both prakriti and purusa.
prakriti is the mind or energy (duality, yang, discernment)
and purusa is consciousness (non-duality, yin, space, love)
we use meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices as training to gain a clearer mind.
and this clear mind is the product of purifying the relationships between ourselves and objects in the reality of dualism.
this clarity leads to a happier life because we suffer less – shifting from force and victimhood into power and love.
the clearer the mind, the more purusa we can experience.
because the lenses are clear
we experience more power and love as we shift upwards.
as we do the practices, and expand our awareness,
the coin begins to turn.
we gain glimpses of the other side.
that is why we do the practices. to begin to see both sides of the coin equally.
the Buddha realized enlightenment through vipassana meditation
this is an approach of feeling deep within the body.
it’s commonly taught that we have 5 senses.
see, feel, taste, smell, hear.
let’s expand our definitions of those 5 senses so that each 1 sense has two sides.
see = see with the body/sense organ directly
or to see with the mind, with labels, and distinction
feel = feel direct physical sensations
or feel reactions to pain/pleasure (emotional or physical)
hear = hear direct audio from body/environment
hear thoughts
[smell and taste aren’t important here]
so, we have a body/purusa/direct/non-dual sense
and a mind/prakriti/indirect/dual sense
as I’ve practiced vipassana mediation
I am aware of all sensations
and I can label each one as mind or body
as sight, audio, or feeling
and as each sensation arises,
I hold it and attempt to locate its source in the body
because each bodily sensation is a product of the mind
and each thought/perception is a reaction to a sensation
I noticed that when I try to “see” with the mind (relationship/perception) barrier
there is a tension around the eyes and brain
when I try to “hear” with the mind (hearing thoughts)
tension around the ears and brain
and when trying to “feel” with the mind (emotions, bodily sensations)
there is a tension in the brain and body part
from my observation, I experience tension or some kind of resistance when I try to sense things through the mind.
with the mind being the source of experience
but then… I shifted the source of my awareness to come from the heart
and I was still able to experience the sense fully,
but this time no tension
and no internal dialogue or labeling as well.
when I see/hear/feel either internally, or through the sense organ
from love
there is no judgement.
no right or wrong
there only is.
it all began to make sense to me…
why I intuitively knew that all is love.
I had just never been able to intellectualize it before.
so, who am i?
I am everything
yet I am nothing
both are true
I am a coin
with two sides
one side is love
the other is thought
one side is the self
the other is the identity
or perhaps one side of the coin is “me” and the other is “other”
but through love, I see the entire coin… one object
each side is just a component
idk my coin metaphor could fall apart or be interpreted any way
but it’s just a metaphor… I’m just trying to point… anyways
when I experience my self as the bridge
between me and other
I am experiencing love
yoga means to yoke
to being together
to unite
when you fall in love with another human
it is called a lower form of enlightenment
because the sense of separation disappears
and you are the relationship, the love, itself.
that is probably why humans crave a partner so badly
more than anything else… we want love... connection
but we are so limited by experiencing a reality almost exclusive to seeing through the mind.
expand this love, our consciousness, to all things
love is not something exclusive for just a significant other
we can experience our relationship to everything as love.
expanding our awareness fully to the dark side of the moon.
the other side of the coin.
this is why the swamis chant ram ram
why bob marley sang about one love
why the guru teaches his students about truth by sitting in silence
love is not a word
it is not the dictionary definition
love does not equal desire
but there is a great desire to love.
to connect
to unify
love is home. rest. safety. acceptance. warmth.
when I say “love” I point to the feeling… the experience.
I’m not completely sure if that made sense.
might not even make sense when I read back over this. but I feel like I got out what I wanted to.
the main point being…
that I experience everything at its core as love
because love is the feeling of direct experience and truth.
feel and see through the eyes of the heart to experience your soul
experience the true nature of your self
and anything or anyone you see
through these eyes
notice how duality dissolves
let the source of your awareness be from the heart… from love.
ram ram
- kat