We have all felt the woes of the Earthworm at some point along the way. The Earthworm indicates a newbie or novice working to establish confidence in a new field. Others around you may seem wise and experienced, but it's important to remember they once felt Earthworm energy too. This card is a reminder not to be intimidated or lose hope. Mastery takes time, and you're on the right track. Besides, rumor has it a beginner's mind offers the most valuable insights.
WHEN IN BALANCE: earnest, intelligent, valuable
WHEN OUT OF BALANCE: self conscious, apprehensive
TO BRING INTO BALANCE: speak up, risk embarrassment
Hi friends :) Welcome to week 6 of our yoga series based on the symbolism of the animal kingdom. Each creature represents a different aspect of our human journey, helping us to better understand and connect to our inner and outer worlds. Every 5 weeks, we cycle through each of the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and their respective animals in this card deck.
Last week, we completed our first cycle of all five elements, with the phoenix. This powerful mystical creature called us to, with fierce and radical love, all at once, passionately burn all of the things that were holding us back - creating space for the new chapter of our lives, so we may ascend from the ashes into the greater things that are meant for us. Now, we cycle back to the earth element, which represents our relationships with fears and habits. From the ashes of what we've left behind, we begin again. Beginnings can feel fresh and exciting, but they can also bring about frustration and anxieties. The earthworm reminds us that everyone starts from the beginning. It is important in these foundational stages, to strengthen our faith, our courage, and our focus towards our purpose.
An earthworm is generally thought of as a pretty insignificant animal. And at the start of whatever new path we are setting out on, we too many feel small, insecure, vulnerable, and insignificant. It is often a default for us to compare ourselves to those further along, forgetting that they too, were once where you stand. It is also a default, as a beginner, to doubt our own path and look to others' paths for answers. However, as Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, "It is better to do your own dharma (path/purpose) imperfectly than to do another's perfectly."
Although the earthworm plays a humble role in our ecosystem, it is a crucial role. It is the earthworm who fertilizes the soil, so that plants have nutrient-rich ground from which to grow. In this same way, our humble beginnings provide us the time to quietly fertilize the soil of our own metaphorical garden. This stage of our path is of vital importance. If we honor this stage as an opportunity to nourish our minds with faith, patience, and discipline... once we plant the seeds of new intentions, the earth will be ready to nurture those seeds so they can grow strong roots, rise tall, and blossom.
There's a story about a man who is sowing seeds... there are seeds that fall onto a road, into thorns, and onto dry, rocky ground... none of those seeds make it. This symbolizes how although we may have good intentions, our soil is not fertile, and so we are either distracted by our own fears, the opinions of others, or otherwise. However, there are some seeds that fall on good ground, and those seeds are able to root, be nourished, and grow tall to produce fruit.
If you were to research some of the most "successful" people, you would find that they started from the bottom... and it was through an unshakable belief in their purpose that they were able to maintain the devotion to push forward no matter the obstacle.
All of us have the power and the choice to follow our higher calling... and once we've made that initial choice to set out on our new path, we face the continuous choice to let go of our old conditioned beliefs and habits and press onward or to relapse back into the old familiar ways. The strength required to make the choice towards alignment is cultivated by the energy of the small earthworm. He does not focus on the long road ahead, but focuses on this present first step. He humbly, with devotion, prepares the soil for the garden that awaits him.
Next week, we'll learn how to "develop our spine" from the stingray.
dream extreme!
♡ Kat
excerpts from my journal:
"I'll often experience this doubt and comparison. Who am I to be on this journey? I'm still such a beginner... I have so much to learn, so far to go. Maybe I should give this up and do what he's doing... or what she's doing. When this fear and uncertainty arises, I must remind myself that none of that comparison matters... because I am my own unique person following my own unique path. A path that I know deep deep down is exactly where I'm supposed be... exactly where I'm supposed to go. And although I feel like I might not have much to show for it right now... there is silent work happening underground. I am nourishing my earth and growing deep strong roots. And here and there, I see my seeds sprouting, I see flowers blooming. To grow the kind of garden that I envision... one that provides fruit not only for myself, but everyone around me... takes time, and devotion, and focus. All I know is that I'm on my way."