"The crocodile reminds us to step back from the external world and turn inward. Now is not the time for decisions, action, or discussion. The crocodile's mantra is "wait." This doesn't mean lying around hoping life's challenges will disappear... the crocodile is much smarter than that. It means intentionally withdrawing, gathering our awareness, observing and building energy. Fill up the vital reserves so your next move comes from a place of wisdom and power."
WHEN IN BALANCE: wise, patient, a silent powerhouse
WHEN OUT OF BALANCE: feels "stuck," lashes out
TO BRING INTO BALANCE: rest, Makarasana pose
Last week we explored the bear card as he taught us how to wake up from spiritual slumber, including the misaligned beliefs and ways of living that we are "asleep" to. For this week's yoga class (week #2) we will listen to the words of the crocodile. Each animal in this series represents a different aspect of our human journey, helping us to better understand and connect to our inner and outer worlds.
The bear was associated with the earth element, which you can learn more about here (think survival, habits, fears, safety, foundation, and our relationship to the material world). The crocodile, is a water element animal. Whereas the earth element deals with the solid things in our life, the water element represents the aspects of our life that are more "fluid". The water element is associated with things that are a bit more subtle that what we explicitly experience through the five senses. These more subtle qualities include emotions and creativity, which relate to the sacral chakra. The water element adds another layer to our reality; As humans, we don't simply intake information and data like a machine - we also feel a certain way about this information... about all the things we experience.
Here's what the animal guide book says about the creatures of the oceans, rivers, and lakes which embody the water element:
"The creatures of the Water element represent our emotional world and our ability to express. These cards point to relationships, love, boundaries, and creativity...our "flow," if you will. Water creatures are often drawn to the arts, as they have a natural inclination toward beauty and depth. Several Water cards indicate an outpouring of creativity and/ or emotion. This can be wonderful, joyful, even romantic. However, when Water spills and makes a mess, disappointment and sometines tears (they are Water after all) are sure to follow. Ideally, a healthy stream of communication flows through our lives... not too much Water, not too little."
We begin to learn that the water element is about balance and flow, which can be tricky, unknown, and unpredictable (which is why we can have a tendency to emotionally shut down). However, when we learn to embrace these waters, life becomes so much more beautiful and meaningful. Have you ever experienced the "flow state" when work doesn't feel like work? And your daily schedule and activities (whatever they are, work or play) all seem to effortlessly, seamlessly blend together? That is the water element in action.
This past weekend, in my yoga immersion training, a fellow student asked our teacher Robin, "What should I do if my intuition isn't clear? I don't know if it's my ego or my soul talking, so I keep going back and forth and I don't know what to do." Robin answered, "If your next move is unclear, wait." She explained that your when it's your soul speaking, you will just know without a doubt. It will hit you like a clear, powerful, beam of light. And as we've been reading about in this week's book club, the ego will always go back and forth and back and forth. It is the king of indecision, because it is driven by fear - with keeping you safe, and there usually isn't one "right" path.
So, to conclude, when we haven't yet received that download of "just knowing" from our intuition, the higher self, the soul... the most wise action to take it to wait and listen. The bear tells us to start walking, but the crocodile says, "no rush." Pausing is still moving forward. If we are sprinting, but in the wrong direction, it will take us even further to arrive at our destination. Be still and listen... be a silent powerhouse like the crocodile, with his eyes hovering over the water... waiting for the perfect moment to act.
Thanks for reading! Next week we will learn about the air element from the moth.
dream extreme!
♡ kat
excerpts from my journal:
"I laid down in my yard. thoughts. thoughts. anxious. paranoid. tense. agitated. feeling pressured, antsy, stressed. "why am I feeling so tired... how will I get anything done today? omg I also have this problem and this problem and..." stop. watching those thoughts come in is the beginning of a downward spiral that will manifest into stressed, tense, rushed, actions. But if I catch it in this early stage, I can turn it around and more easily return to my center. Meditate. Focus on leveling yourself before taking action. No thing done well was ever rushed. We cannot effectively deal with our problems when we are consumed by the energy of the problem. Resting is sometimes the wisest action you can take. A silent powerhouse. And so I'll pause and make alignment the first priority before moving on to any to-dos. Worrying solves nothing. It is a distraction. But the ego tricks me into believing, "it's so important, we gotta worry! we gotta think about it! more more more!" no buddy. And as I meditated, I labeled all my contracted thoughts and feelings as 'divinity expressing herself as Kat anxious and stressed and tense' and this took me out of the drama of my personality and agendas returning me to that silent center... grounding myself with the cosmic humor."
"I win if I am in flow with the process, not fixed on the outcome. patience. wisdom. discipline. "If you're indecisive, just wait and listen" and then carry on."