~undergoing great change and transformation~
The energy of the Butterfly is with us during periods of transition. Since Air is the element of the heart, this change usually involves relationships (or if you love your job, perhaps your career). Since transition is accompanied by some amount of discomfort, be extra patient and kind during this time, especially if the Butterfly is you. Let solid friends and activities support you like a "cocoon." committing to one daily routine (a meal, practice, or prayer) done at the same place and time will do wonders for lifting a Butterfly's spirit.
when in balance ~ cheerful, graceful
when out of balance ~ fragile, frustrated
to bring into balance ~ daily routine
Hi :) Welcome to week 9 of our yoga series based on the symbolism of the animal kingdom. Each creature represents a different aspect of our human journey, helping us to better understand and connect to our inner and outer worlds. Every 5 weeks in our yoga classes, we cycle through each of the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and their respective animals in this card deck.
Last week, the hyena of the fire element revealed one of the masks that we may hide behind - humor and sarcasm. Everything has its time and place, but is our humor unbalanced? Is it used as a defense against recognizing how we really feel and what is truly important to us?
This week, we cycle back to the air element, which relates to clarity, movement, communication, breath and life force. The butterfly asks us to recognize a transition that we are currently experiencing. Any kind of change, whether perceived to be positive or negative can be uncomfortable and ungrounding. During this transition, allow yourself to be held by the people, activities, and spaces that support you. You can not rush the butterfly out of her cocoon before she is ready.
The butterfly card is not about focusing on the logistics of whatever transition we're experiencing, rather how we are reacting and what we are feeling amidst these changes. Instinctively, we may react to change with panic, anxiety, overwhelm, excitement, or any other kind of high-energy, controlling tendency. The butterfly teaches us lovingly, that creating more intensity during this time of transition only makes the process more stressful. And even if the change does not feel stressful, by trying to force control in the face of change, we may only tangle ourselves further. Trusting that we are held and taken care of, allows us to flow through transition with grace and ease.
Now, that doesn't mean we throw our hands in the air when we're overwhelmed and have obvious actions that we need to take. Look how the caterpillar does everything she needs to do in preparation for her transformation... wandering around, eating leaves, searching for the perfect place to settle before she finds stillness. In this same way, we don't ignore or reject the things that we need to get done, but after a certain point, there is nothing more we can do, and we must surrender into that still place, trusting that the mysterious forces of life will take care of the rest.
Although the air element invites wonderful movement and freedom, if unbalanced, all this vast space can make us feel ungrounded. The cocoon completely wraps us in a warm, safe embrace. She tells us that we are exactly where we need to be. She comforts us, reminding us that we are on the right path, following the calling of our hearts, to soften into any discomfort. We can offer our anxieties, fears, our stress, and scattered-ness into her loving arms. And as we release these burdens, the light of the heart is revealed, and we feel the full force of our faith shine through and dissolve any doubts, unknowns, or oppositions that are challenging us.
The caterpillar willingly encloses herself into darkness, even though she's never done it before. She steps into the unknown, for she knows deep down that this is her purpose. Through faith, she becomes still, and allows the cocoon to swaddle her until it is time for her to emerge on the other side, transformed.
By this same process, we transform. Life is holding us, even when we don't feel like we have stable ground. Remind yourself that you are always supported by the earth beneath you, and the life all around you, by steeping yourself in the practices that bring you back home. Maybe this is your breath, loving people, soothing environments, having fun, nourishing food, and the beautiful company of nature. With an open, trusting heart, love will dissolve all doubt, and guide you exactly to where you are meant to be. Every time.
Next week, the embrace of the sea serpent heals emotional wounds, allowing us to express our creativity and desires.
dream extreme!
♡ kat
excerpts from my journal:
"I myself am currently in the midsts of a big transition. Actually several transitions. And many of them are actually really positive things... but any change can be uncomfortable, because it's unfamiliar, it's unknown, even if it's something that I really want. At times, I'll find myself anxious and on edge, frantically searching for something to grab onto and calm me down... to ground me. It's been another powerful lesson in trust and surrender... in taking the actions that I must take, and allowing you to do the rest. Letting go of my need to control and have everything figured out. Releasing into my body, my breath, balancing my nervous system. You are holding me always."