~ earnest, hardworking, democratic ~
The Bee personality is a delight to be around, especially when there's a team project on the horizon. Bees love to work steadily and thoughtfully until the final task is complete. They are sensitive creatures, aware of many subtleties at once. Since they're artists at heart, they usually add creative details to the overall vision. For the most part they have bustling, joyous personalities...until they're too tired from all the work…then they gripe. And then sting.
when in balance ~ content, active, vibrant
when out of balance ~ overworked, annoyed
to bring into balance ~ mini-vacation
Hi friends! :) Welcome to week 24 of our yoga series - exploring this life through the symbolism of the animal kingdom. Each creature represents a different aspect of our human journey, helping us to better understand and connect to our inner and outer worlds. Every 5 weeks in our yoga classes, we cycle through each of the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and their respective animals in this card deck.
Last week, the panther of the fire element ruthlessly pounced into our lives. Although she is often terrifying, unwelcome, and surprising... she is exactly what we need... and we understand that in retrospect. She comes to kill whatever needs to die in order for us to move forward... even if it is confusing at the time. She is the energy of a fierce mother who reminds us to be brave and to be patient and to trust, trust, trust.
This week, we return to the air element, which relates to clarity, movement, communication, breath and life force. The bee represents the incredible worker and collaborator within us -- an artist, with an eye for detail as well as the larger vision. This teacher invites us to find balance in this role by recognizing when we're overworked... and start stinging.
The bee within us feels so alive when she is lost in her work. Getting lost in that creative energy, that flow state, aligned with our purpose... it is truly one of the best parts of this human experience. When we are in this space, we are connected to the bee energy. We are passionate about what we are doing, whether our "work" be our occupation, family, spirituality , projects, art, etc... our lives feel full and vibrant. We are enthusiastic about all the details, all the ideas, all the steps of the journey. Like the bee, we are a joyful worker -- and that energy extends to all of those with whom we collaborate, and to all whom with we interact. Life feels vibrant and meaningful.
As with all of the animal energies that live within us, they thrive when in balance. For the bee, she is a fabulous, efficient, and enthusiastic worker when in balance. However, when she is out of balance, she begins to burn out... and as I'm sure we've all experienced to varying degrees, burn out can lead to exhaustion and apathy. When we are overworked and become exhausted, we begin to lose our connections to our purpose and our vitality. When this happens, the people we once found joy and excitement working with, now feel annoying... and when we are irritable, we are much more likely to sting.
It is not our intention to sting. We don't really want to hurt others, ourselves, or the things we are working on. Self-sabotage is not the goal here... but sometimes it seems to happen inevitably as our exhaustion snowballs. So when we feel that irritability or indifference creeping in, it is important to recognize what is happening (it's especially helpful to recognize it before we become blinded by this anger and/or fatigue), so that we can trace the feeling back to the source and understand our circumstances. And from understanding, we can take the patient steps to reunify with our energy, passion, and purpose.
So, our teacher for this week asks us, "Do you feel burnt out? Is there one or more areas in your life for which you feel like you've lost enthusiasm? And do you feel called to reunite with those areas?"
Because sometimes it's necessary to take a rest or a break from a certain facet of our lives for some time. For example, I was training martial arts for awhile, and due to my health, I'm currently taking a break. If I were to continue training now, it'd just be frustrating and maybe even harmful. I do feel called to return, but I know for now there's other things I need to focus on before I do. I feel this way about my art sometimes too. Sometimes about certain relationships. Sometimes about other ventures or activities or hobbies or passions.
This is a lesson in setting boundaries with yourself or with other people. And perhaps you don't physically take space from the work, perhaps it's just an energetic or emotional space, because sometimes we have obligations to fulfill.
Even if you're used to and identified as someone who fulfills a certain role, especially in a group setting, it's OKAY to say (even if it's just to yourself), hey I need to take a more subtle, low-key position at this time. I'm not going to be the one who's super enthusiastic and energized right now. I'm still going to do the work that is required and do a good job, but maybe I'm not the one who's overflowing with ideas and decoration at this time.
Learn from the bee, who asks us to pause. Who asks us to notice if we are overworked... to notice if we need some space from this part of life, and honoring how ever long that may take. Because, at least for me, I can sometimes get SO exhausted and overwhelmed that even the thought of working to reconnect to my passions feels crippling. One little baby step at a time, my love. Even if that step is just waiting and rest. No thinking or planning or analysis required. Eat well, sleep well, move your body, laugh and cry and sit with a tree or with your best friend. Meet your basic needs first.
There is never a right or wrong. There's only a right or wrong for you. And only you know that. Only you know the perfect timing for everything. By listening closely to your intuition. That still place inside that just knows.
Next week, the black egg of the space element is associated with the fourth chakra -- vishudda; the throat. It is the place that births the expression of pure truth. The black egg connects us to the power of our voice; the power of authentic expression. It connects us to the pure essence where the uncertainty, insecurity, and confusion that clouds our truth falls away. It is an invitation to share this truth unto the earth -- through our voice, our words, our art... through all forms of authentic, unfiltered expression.
til next time ✌︎
dream extreme!
♡ kat