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to die once more


all falls away

just as quickly as it arises

in this life

all i create

i must know

and i must accept

with grace and surrender

that it will also be destroyed

all i build

will crumble

this transience

is not life’s cruelty

but her reminder of the natural cycle of what is

nothing has ever been permanent

our own fragile lives are not ours to own

but to experience a taste of this existence

with as much sincerity and depth as we can

learning to navigate the labyrinth of the mind

until we realize that all walls are illusory

and we are left in infinite expanse

complete freedom

complete uncertainty

nothing to hold

simultaneously liberating and terrifying

cognition grasping at the wind

seeking shelter

swallowed by panic

squirming in unfamiliarity

and yet…

be still

and know

that here the heart is at peace

death is here now.

birth is here now.

and what lies between

is the dance

with no agenda

no purpose

just here.

the cosmic dance



and dissolution.

and because it ultimately does not matter

what we do with this human life

no one really cares

only you do

we should make it pleasant

honestly and authentically pleasant

with a constant stride toward truth

with an open heart

and with service

all of this

not to reach outside

or to reach inside

but to find the collapse

and rest there

for eternity

but an active rest

not a lack of activity

but living a life is that is no longer a struggle

and you realize

maybe it never was

irrespective of conditions

you are at peace

i am at peace.

and where is peace?



not anything outside of here and now.

peace is in presence.

in acceptance.



and love.

for we know not what the very next second may hold

so how can i be fully here for this one?


im coming home.

i love you.

im all yours,

- kat

monday march 16 2020


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