“What you encounter, recognize or discover depends to a large degree on the quality of your approach. Many of the ancient cultures practiced careful rituals of approach. An encounter of depth and spirit was preceded by careful preparation. When we approach with reverence, great things decide to approach us. Our real life comes to the surface and its light awakens the concealed beauty in things. When we walk on the earth with reverence, beauty will decide to trust us. The rushed heart and arrogant mind lack the gentleness and patience to enter that embrace.”
-- John O’Donohue
You've probably heard "Namaste" ten thousand times... especially in the yoga world, but what does Namaste actually mean?
This artwork marks the beginning of a new yoga series, where I will introduce a Sanskrit word (and hopefully painting) each week. The invitation here, is not to simply say "Got it, now I know the word's definition -- check!"... this is much deeper than that... this goes far beyond the rational mind. You have the opportunity here to use the word as a doorway into the experience of each word. What is the word pointing to?
Sure you can "know" certain things... you can know facts like: Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. But... for example, can you really know what "love" is... could the rational mind ever grasp that? I would say no. I would say that the word "love" is pointing the mind to the experience of love -- a knowing that can't be thought or understood -- you can only be it.
Language is absolutely beautiful... but if we get too caught up in the words, we miss the essence. That's why art, poetry, and music are so profound. They can use words as gateways to a more expansive and true essence. The Sanskrit language, similar to poetry or music, isn't so concerned with the literal translation of the word, but the vibration that it holds (that's why mantra is such a powerful practice). The words are a tool to attune the mind into the vibrational state of "love". We use the rational mind as a tool to go beyond the rational mind. Just like a radio... you don't care that the dial is at "97.8" right? But you use those numbers to give you access to the sound that comes through when the dial is perfectly tuned.
So what is Namaste? Translated literally it means "I bow to you" (namah/namas = bow and te = you). It's a common greeting in India, and a common closing in a yoga class, but what could happen if each time Namaste is said, the speaker truly means it?
When you say "Namaste", you are saying "The Divine in me recognizes and honors the Divine in you." When you say Namaste, you are taking a moment to pause, to see beyond the veil of appearances, and see the other person's heart. You are taking a moment to meet them -- heart to heart.
Not "what can I get from you"
not "don't bother me"
not "wow you're my best friend I love you so much"
just .......... silence. here. now.
I see you fellow soul. We are the same.
When I say "Divine"... It doesn't matter if you follow a religion. It doesn't matter if you label yourself "spiritual"... throw away the words. What is left when all else falls away? When you look into another person's eyes in silence, what do you see?
Perhaps we begin to recognize that in this human life, as we experience a world of many different appearances... we begin to recognize that the essence alive in all these things is the same. Even though the colors and patterns change, all of existence if weaved from the same divine fabric.
So when you bow to another person...
or you bow to a tree...
or to your morning coffee
or to whoever just cut you off in traffic
or to a breathtaking sunset
or to your toothbrush
when you bow to an experience of unfathomable joy
or to your rock bottom
when you bow to the dishes
or to the slug crawling on the sidewalk
to a great work of art
or a song that brings you to tears
when you bow to depression
when you bow to terror
when you bow to ecstasy
when you bow to deep gratitude
when you bow to TIKTOK
or the weird rash on your leg
or cleaning the toilet
you are bowing to the Divine.
you are cleaning the toilet and recognizing...
we are the same. we are both crafted from the same fabric.
reverence to you, toilet.
Stop constantly sorting everything you encounter:
this person, or experience, or object is sacred. is worthy.
but THOSE ones... no way
and we negate part of life.
we cut off our heart.
we dim the light.
Listen, this isn't easy!!!!! AT ALL... it's just the disposition I personally want to take.
I want to bow to terror with reverence.
I don't have to like it. I can hate every second.
But I want to revere it as something sacred.
I don't want to close my heart to it.
Let it open me further.
Now, boundaries are totally good.
you can have preferences.
you can have likes and dislikes.
but if we cultivate a disposition of reverence to all things.
every person, experience, object, emotion
reverence to our own mind, own bodies, own identities....
we throw away all the words, all the labels, all the "good" "bad" "yes" "no"
that keeps us only at the level of the rational mind...
and we enter into.... JUST HERE
we see through the eyes of the heart.
When we reintroduce reverence, we reintroduce AWE into our life.
Children often have the most reverence.
Because they're playing.
The world is magic.
The rational mind hasn't yet bogged down their hearts.
As we grow older, we gain wisdom and discernment.
But don't let an aged mind suffocate your heart.
~ The walls we once built to protect ourselves, may now be holding us back. ~
I chose to paint a lion this week because creatures like the lion inspire awe in me. There are certain experiences that radiate THE essence so profoundly that the rational mind just completely crumbles. Like if a lion were walking toward you (but you were safe in this hypothetical haha)... Would awe and reverence not totally overwhelm you?
Because you have no choice but to recognize its power.
That's the attitude I'd personally love to have towards my life. I want to soften and offer my heart to the world. I dont want to treat life as cheap. I want to recognize every moment as absolutely precious and magic. Even if the moment is really sucking. I want to bow to each and every experience, whether is seems sacred or profane... and experience the divine in me recognizing the divine in you.
Begin to approach with reverence... will great things begin to approach you?
Namaste ॐ
♡ Kat
P.S. I won't be teaching next week (June 19th and 20th) I'll be in Mexico building a house 💪, but I'll be back the 27th and 28th! Stay tuned for the next word. Much love!
Also, I'll be selling the art prints from each week.
If you'd like one, you can grab one in person or order below ↓