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just do your dharma

a voice just keeps repeating itself

...reminding me...

be here now

just do your dharma

what precious reminders these are.

to be here now, the mind dissolves.

so there’s no problems. no judging. and no suffering.

and what do i do with the space?

well, my dharma of course.

and now with a clear mind, i can listen.

to truly know what my dharma is so i can align with it.

not for the result, but simple because it is my duty. so i do it.

it is my truth. it is my purpose.

and when the mind begins to creep back in

or when i recognize an unhealthy or unaligned behavior

how do i fix this problem?

i be here now

and i do my dharma.

whatever is not in alignment with my dharma… it is not a problem.

it is just confused. it’s just unconscious. ignorant.

and to “solve the problem”

to dissolve the ignorance

i bring the light of my awareness on the unconscious action

and now it is conscious

but i’ve brought into my consciousness some part of me that is identified

or attached or suffering

and so in that space of complete presence. of no mind. of being here now…

i listen and am provided the answer.

i have felt what is misaligned, and feel what i must do to bring that aspect of my self into alignment with my dharma

and when excuses arise,

i must let them go

and do my duty

“just do my dharma”

because, by not doing my dharma, i will fall into greater and greater ego and suffering and identity.

i know what is not in alignment.

  1. certain aspects of my health and taking care of my body

  2. wasting time

  3. judging

  4. impatience

  5. worrying about and attaching to outcomes

my dharma:

mind - the unifier b/w inner and outer dharma

  • be here now

  • no judgement

  • just discrimination

body - outer dharma

  • health

  • possessions

  • relationships

  • appearance

  • hobbies

  • career

soul - inner dharma

  • creation

  • seeking truth above all

  • devotion (bhakti)

  • action and service (karma)

  • wisdom (jnana)

in terms of my outer dharma, how i serve the world through my passion of creative expression, i think itll help me if i truly look at it as serving others, not serving myself. constantly reminding myself that the main point is service. any other outcomes are just a byproduct. my outer dharma in terms of career (social media stuff, teaching yoga, etc.) is my karma yoga. (well everything is my karma yoga, but im saying this explicitly so my mind doesn't try to put this in some kind of other category) i will love all and serve all through all i do.

that’ll help me not get identified with outcomes. and that is the ultimate truth.

like yeah id love to make a living out of it but i gotta let the ego go and not be involved in it or shit's gonna be not only ineffective but will steer me off my path to what i truly care about, which is realizing and unifying with the truth.

just do your dharma.

all that is not in alignment with my highest vibration must go.

that is doing my dharma.

letting go of the bullshit and self-sabotage so i have the room to create, express, and serve.

and it’s not about perfection.

it’s about patience.

of being so enamored with the process.

feeling deeply into my experience in every moment

and acting from a space of love

to with loving awareness

continuously align my being with my dharma.


and resting in the fact that even if i fail, it doesn’t matter hehe

but… it feels like it will happen

that i will "succeed"

another option doesn’t seem likely

and i trust it will happen

because when I’m in alignment with my dharma

the universe meets me

and conspires to bring my dreams to manifest

because… my dreams are dreaming of me too

when i let go and surrender and trust…

that lets go of resistance

and the universe is able to reach me

and then… my dreams become manifest reality

because their not just my dreams, they’re fate

they're the dharma.

i'm just a lil piece of the one big dance

and the universe comes a lillll bit more into alignment

when me, a lil piece, fulfills my role

but… i could be wrong.

and i will have to trust that too

because ultimately what matters to me is being here now

my dharma is really to be here now

to be one with life

so my “successes” and “failures” don’t matter as long as I’m one with my experience no matter what it is.

we all die anyway. those successes and failures don’t ultimately matter

so that takes the pressure off huh?

that doesn’t mean give up or half ass life no no no

do your dharma! i gotta listen to how i must align. inner and outer.

that just means i don’t have to worry

in any outcome, all is well

i love you.

so much.

you don’t even realize it yet.

but we’re realizing it together.

what a beautiful journey.

you and me. together in the mystery.

goodnight xx


wednesday may 25 2020


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