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fill me in

to all i've ever loved,

including myself...

this is all so lovely

i only wish you were here

so i could share it with you

my heart aches for you.

if love never leaves

then why do i desire your presence so deeply?





how can i be more honest?

it's almost a rhetorical question

just kinda echoing out into the void...

the distractions hide truth from me,

so how can i know absolute truth if i'm not being it?

it seems like i can only operate honestly at the level or state of being of which i'm aware.

and each time i peel away a layer there's another waiting.

i'll just keep getting closer to truth little by little.

that seems to be how it works.

i will be patient.


who is this character who does all of these activities?

who exists in and experiences whatever the current scene may be?

who thinks these thoughts?

it all seems so false

the only thing that feels real is feeling itself.

the only thing that holds truth is emotion

some teach that emotion is false and contrived

and i understand

but i also understand the paradoxical nature of this reality

and for me and my experience... emotion and feeling is the zest of life

without it i am not living... merely existing.

so… as i simply think about this character,

her activities,


and scene

it holds very little value to me

or rather i derive little meaning from it

im almost bored with it

it all starts to blend together

its all mundane

so, in seeing through the mind, it holds little value to me

except as a means to survive so i can continue to be the character

because it is all i can hold on to

through the mind… life is like a coloring book untouched

it’s interesting at first.. and at sometimes;

we can see the shapes and forms

but after a while it becomes so bland

because life seems lifeless

it’s fixed

its just lines

black an white

but… through feeling… through emotion

through the heart... through love

i am gifted with crayons of infinite colors

and i can choose to fill in the images in infinite ways

now i am in love with the coloring book because i am involved

i am the active process

i am the relationship

i am the creator

creativity is not about inventing a new gadget

or painting a mural

we actively create every moment of our lives.

so how can we increase our awareness such that

we gain autonomy over our thoughts and actions?

and create a life conducive to love and truth?

…. even writing this

i feel not here

im very present

but i feel removed

i feel distant

who is that who does not feel here?

and if she is not here... then where is she?

there is a deep emptiness

…and it’s not that something is lacking

it's not frightening or depressing

it's just so vast and... just empty.

i don’t know.

i always don’t know.



i feel like something is missing

like somethings not quite right

how can i recondition or uncondition my mind

so that i don’t blindly slip into old grooves

what is lacking…

well, nothing

but i sense an emptiness

and it’s not due to the lack of furniture in my home

it’s because i have nothing here

and that nothingness is not frightening

i actually like it

it’s just kind of sad

i only miss people

when im missing my self

when im so in love with myself

there’s no need to reach out

but im glad im longing… it’s beautiful

so… in this nothingness

really… there is infinite space and potential

i must shape this one to her highest self

what is ideal?

how might i treat all with complete respect and honor

everything as sacred


this is a sacred home, i whispered

as delicate smoke swirled around me

there is no place for doubt here

no place for fear

this is a space to cultivate love and light

to cultivate liberation for all beings



how can i be pure to the best of my ability?

how can i set the intention and follow through with honesty for myself?

wisdom. discernment. power. strength. compassion. love.

okay… i need to surrender COMPLETELY…

the lingering survival mindset… the scarcity mindset… they must release

i must evolve

i must create the conditions and space for this evolution to unfold

what does that look like?


i love my space. it is perfect.

i am in love.

we nurture each other. facilitate each other’s growth.

we are in flow.

and i am in love with every action i taking

i am making love to the moment

all is so incredibly sacred

i resist nothing

i feel it all

i feel the ugly

i feel the mistakes

i feel the frustration

the unfairness

i feel the lack

the emptiness

i feel the clouded lenses that cover my eyes

i feel the discomfort in my body

the constriction around my mind

i feel the judgement

i feel the criticism

the doubt

the hopelessness

the incapability

i feel the confusion

the laziness

i feel the hatred

and i feel the burning desire to shed myself of these things

to become inextricably free

so i use loving discipline to mold me into higher being

“creating a beautiful sacred space for myself in which my soul is at peace and my dreams can flourish”

... it's always the same story. but each time it reappears, I can understand it with more depth.



to all i've ever loved,

including myself...

this is all so lovely

i only wish you were here

so i could share it with you

my heart aches for you.

if love never leaves

then why do i desire your presence so deeply?


i love you.



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